Scholarships and Fellowships
Fulbright Program
Offers opportunities for recent graduates, postgraduate candidates, and developing professionals and artists to conduct career-launching study and research abroad. See the SDSU Fulbright website for more information.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Greater Research Opportunities Fellowships for undergraduate Environmental Study. The EPA is offering Greater Research Opportunities undergraduate fellowships for bachelor's level students in environmental fields of study. Eligible students will receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate study and for an internship at an EPA facility during the summer between their junior and senior years. The fellowship provides up to $17,000 per year of academic support and up to $7,500 of internship support for a three-month summer period. For more information see their website.
Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies Independent Research
The program emphasizes the community nature of the scientific enterprise, fosters reflection and builds self confidence and skills. To complement their mentored research, students have many chances to interact, give and receive feedback and support, and participate in a rich assortment of enrichment activities, workshops and field trips. Eligibility: Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors or first semester seniors. Must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions. Stipend: $6,000 stipend, plus $600 allowance for food and free housing in Bacon Flats Lodge. For more information see their website.
National Wildlife Federations Campus Ecology Fellowship Program
The National Wildlife Federation offers a nationally recognized opportunity for undergraduates and graduate students to pursue their vision of an ecologically sustainable future. Through tangible projects to green their campuses and communities, environmental research and organizing on key conservation issues, fellows gain practical experience in the conservation field and first-hand knowledge of the challenges and opportunities inherent in successful conservation efforts. Visit the National Wildlife Federation website.
U.S. Community Forestry Research Fellowship
The U.S. Community Forestry Research Fellowship (CFRF) Program provides fellowships to graduate students to support their field work in communities in the United States, and also funds undergraduate internships and assistantships. Students at any institution of higher learning may apply to either the graduate or undergraduate program. While the graduate program is open to all students enrolled in degree-granting programs in the social sciences or related natural resource sciences, the undergraduate program is specifically for minority students. Visit their web site for more information.
Environmental Defense Fund
The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) offers internships and fellowships for students and recent graduates in a variety of programs and departments throughout the organization. For more information visit their internship and fellowships page.
Tom Graff Fellowship
The Tom Graff Diversity Fellowship Program at Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) looks for diverse candidates who are seeking a professional experience in environmental advocacy. The Fellowship is a full-time, one-year position focused on a project that is integral to EDF’s work. More information can be found on their page.
NOAA’s Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship Program
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships to students majoring in disciplines related to oceanic and atmospheric science, research, or technology, and supportive of the purposes of NOAA's programs and mission, e.g., biological, social and physical sciences; mathematics; engineering; and computer and information sciences. For additional information, email [email protected]
The Garden Club of America
Awards for Summer Environmental Studies are open to all undergraduate students after completion of their freshman year and provides financial aid towards summer fieldwork or research in the environmental field. For more information visit their web site.
For more information, visit the SDSU Scholarship Office website.