Advising Assistance
Undergraduate Advising
I am a first- or second-year student...
Undergraduate advising for first- and second-year students is provided by your Coordinated Care advisor. Keep in mind that your Coordinated
Care Advisor is your first point of contact for lower division General Education advising.
To find your advisor, please log in to SDSU Navigate (EAB).
I am a junior, senior, or lower division student...
If you are a junior or senior, or lower division student with major advising needs your major advisor will be able to assist you, please see their contact information below.
Briana Lee
Email: sustainability.
Drop In (Zoom) Advising
View Drop In Hours with Sustainability advisor Briana Lee on SDSU Navigate.
Scheduled Advising Appointments
Schedule an appointment with Sustainability advisor Briana Lee on SDSU Navigate.
If you cannot make these hours or have an advising question or issue that can be handled
via email, please email us at sustainability.advising@sdsu.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Generally yes, if the units are earned while you are a declared SUSTN major and if the program is approved through the International Student Center Education Abroad office. If you select a study abroad program that is independent of SDSU then there is a chance the units will not transfer. In either case you should first meet with your SUSTN adviser for approval of planned coursework. Final approval of units is done upon your return. You will need to make arrangements for an official transcript to be sent to SDSU, which will be reviewed by international transcript evaluators.
Note that SDSU and the SUSTN major need not offer an exact equivalent course in order to accept units from abroad, particularly at the upper division level. When you take courses overseas for which no SDSU equivalents exist, we can usually apply those units toward the major, presuming you are able to support a petition with relevant documents (for example, syllabus and/or catalog description). You will need to meet you’re your SUSTN advisor to determine eligibility of the course(s) in question. Under no circumstances will SDSU allow more than 12 units of upper division coursework by transfer to the major.
You file for graduation at the Office of Advising and Evaluations. You must file for graduation (and pay the fee) in order to graduate. This allows the Office of Advising and Evaluations to audit your transcript to make sure that you meet all of your University and Program graduation requirements.
In both the academic and business worlds many are arguing that the 21st century will be the ‘century of the environment’. There’s a growing consensus that sustainability and environmentalism are growing mega-trends and that they will offer ‘Ahead-of-the-curve’ careers.
Graduates from the SDSU sustainability program will be well prepared to pursue these careers, particularly in the areas of public lands, parks, and natural resource management, environmental conservation and restoration, environmental education, and environmental planning. The major will also prepare students to go on to professional and graduate schools in environmental advocacy, energy, private consulting, law, natural resource management, social sciences, and the humanities. There will also be demand for sustainability majors in nonprofit organizations such as the Nature Conservancy, Audubon Society, Green Peace, and Sierra Club or for teachers in primary or secondary education or universities. Students may also create their own careers in such areas as organic farming, managing cooperatives, or social action..
The SUSTN faculty will assist and advise students in their career pursuits. In addition, SDSU’s Career Services Office provides students with excellent career planning resources and information.