Sustainability Major/Minor
Humans are currently facing some of the greatest environmental challenges ever experienced by our species. Global climate change, energy shortages, loss of species and ecological diversity, deforestation, environmental pollution, and acidifying oceans, combined with vast differences in political power and wealth lend urgency to studies devoted to sustainable policies and environmental management.
The SDSU sustainability program is intended to meet these challenges by enabling students to explore the interacting cultural, sociopolitical, and biophysical aspects of complex environmental problems and devise practical solutions. To accomplish this, sustainability majors and minors are introduced to concepts and methodologies from the humanities, social sciences, and the natural sciences and gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the many pressing environmental issues facing the nation and the world.
There is little doubt that the next 50 years will see a dramatic growth in jobs related to environmental concerns. It is one of several “megatrends” and promises current and future growth in career opportunities.

Spring 2025 Course List
Get Involved
Join a campus student organization:
Green Love | Enviro-Business Society | Epsilon Eta (Environmental Fraternity)
Kate Riegel
Kate Riegel is a San Diego State University Alumni who graduated from the University in the Spring of 2024. While on campus, Kate received a B.A. in Sustainability and a minor in Business Administration along with advancing her passion for Sustainable Outreach through The Office of Energy & Sustainability and Associated Students, Green Love. Post-graduation Kate has accepted a position as a Public Outreach Coordinator at San Diego Community Power. Read more about Kate.
Richard German
Sustainability major and graduating senior Richard German is a leader in helping improve environmental impacts and community inclusivity for sports venues. He cares deeply about the environment and chose sustainability as a major partly due to his interest in reducing the widespread litter he encountered on his trek between campus and home. Read more about Richard.
Nick Vallejo
Nick Vallejo (‘22), a recycling specialist with the City of San Diego, thrives on educating the public about climate action solutions. He found his calling when he switched his major from communications to sustainability upon transferring to San Diego State University. Vallejo registered for two courses in geography that changed his career focus. Read more about Nick.
Erin Shives
Sustainability graduate Erin Shives discusses her work with the NASA DEVELOP program. Read more about Erin.
Samantha Bohl
Sustainability major Samantha Bohl discusses The Surfrider Foundation (San Diego Chapter) and single-use plastics. Watch her video.
McKenna Avery
McKenna Avery graduated in 2020 with a degree in Sustainability and a minor in Political Science. McKenna is now working as a founder of a sustainable feminine hygiene company, Hempress Hygienics. Read more about Avery.
Hana Creger
Alum Hana Creger was part of the first Sustainability graduating class at SDSU. She now works for The Greenlining Institute as the Environmental Equity Program Manager. Read more about Hana.
Important Contacts
Arielle Levine, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]
Internship & International
Experience Advising
Jessica Barlow, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]
(limited advising during summer)
Undergraduate Advising
(including declaring a Major or Minor)
Briana Lee
Email: [email protected]